Creatures Of Leisure Mick Fanning Loc-Lite Ecopure Pad

found at Rusty

Creatures Of Leisure Mick Fanning Loc-Lite Ecopure Pad

Creatures Of Leisure
Mick Fanning Loc-Lite Ecopure Pad

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Product Description

Italo won his World Title with a combination of Mick Fanning Performance + THERMO-LITE traction pads under his feet in 2019. The inspiration came easy to create his first Signature Creatures of Leisure pad, combining our proven Square Loc I + THERMO-LITE traction. We want to reduce the impact our designs have on the environment. That's why Creatures teamed up with Bio-Tec Environmental to deliver traction that offers lasting EVA performance, which breaks down in landfills at the end of your board's life. Always packed in recyclable, biodegradable materials.

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